
Take Heart

Trusting God in a Broken World

It is obvious we live in a broken world. God’s Word has many teachings on how we can trust God in that broken world, even when it invades our personal world. This conference gives a well-rounded Biblical teaching on this topic, but also provides attendees with a meaningful spiritual experience through corporate worship and opportunities to make long-lasting connections with others.

  • This session literally lays the foundation for everything taught throughout the Take Heart Conference. We look at two theological foundations of this topic: Who is God? and Who are We?

  • This session is Rhonda’s testimony of her near-death experience and the surprising ways God has used that experience.

  • This session looks at not just how Jesus has suffered for us, but how God the Father also suffers, and why this is good news!

  • Why does God allow our suffering? Rhonda looks at some big questions in this session; and, the answers may surprise you!

  • Now that we have a better handle on the brokenness of the world, why God allows suffering, and who God is, what do we do with all of that? And what do we do when the brokenness of the world invades our world?