
Both of the conferences that RC23 Ministries offers, Take Heart and Diving Deep, are designed to help you grow in your faith and to deepen your relationship with God. My team will work very hard with you to make your conference, well, yours. We want to provide you with all the organizational tools you need to host your conference while we provide the materials and teaching. We like to call it a “Conference in a Box.” You choose the date, provide the facility, and provide the people to prepare the event. We provide a planning guide, teaching materials, and the teaching. And we will work with you to provide a powerful spiritual event!

It is obvious we live in a broken world. God’s Word has many teachings on how we can trust God in that broken world, even when it invades our personal world. This conference gives a well-rounded Biblical teaching on this topic, but also provides attendees with a meaningful spiritual experience through corporate worship and opportunities to make long-lasting connections with others.

Take Heart: Trusting God in a Broken World

Diving Deeper into God’s Word

Diving Deeper is a hands-on workshop teaching how to study God’s Word. Rhonda uses the Inductive Bible Study method and teaches skills within that framework to develop and sharpen your Bible study skills. As you learn new skills, Rhonda will give you guided practice using the skills presented. This conference includes teaching materials and resources that can be used by attendees as they put their skills to work beyond the conference.