RC23 Ministries

As the leader of RC23 Ministries, I am so privileged to have been called by God to this ministry. God has moved me to this ministry over a period of years and I feel He is calling me to two purposes: to help you grow in your faith and to deepen your relationship with God. Both conferences that we offer, Take Heart and Diving Deeper, serve those two primary goals. If you want more information about each conference, click on the Conferences tab above.

But why RC23?

Well, this is really kind of a long story, so I’ll give you the very short version. God very clearly used a near-death experience to work in my heart, to literally bring me to this ministry over a period of about ten years. In a nutshell, I was hit by a car while out on my bike training for a triathlon. I live in a small country town that is incredibly supportive of anyone in need. After my accident t-shirts were made to raise money to help me, and RC23 was the logo on those t-shirts. RC is obviously my initials, the 23 was my jersey number in every sport I played in high school and college. Besides, it rhymes…kind of nice! Since this experience in my life brought me eventually to this ministry, the name of my ministry and my logo reflect how God brought me here.

Growing in Faith.
Deepening in Relationship.

Rhonda Cox and her team have put together a great conference for women. From beginning to end, the conference lifted up Jesus Christ. The Take Heart: Trusting God in a Broken World Conference provides timely and needed teaching that is able to help women gain a biblical perspective on the struggles of life. This teaching arises from God’s work in Rhonda as the result of the life-threatening accident she endured. Rhonda shares her personal story, then goes on to present a systematic theology of suffering firmly rooted in the Scriptures.
— Carol Aubrey, MA, LMFT


Take Heart: Trusting God in a Broken World

Designed to teach God’s Word about how to trust God in a broken world, worshiping God together, and making long-lasting connections.

Diving Deeper into God’s Word

God has given Rhonda a deep desire to help others learn how to study God’s Word. Diving Deep has been developed over years of teaching others how to study Scripture.